Sean Keene Principal Broker (503) 508-4389

Born and raised in Salem, Oregon, I knew that I always wanted to chart a path in helping people. I obtained my real estate license in January 2007 as the market plunged, and I had to roll up my sleeves to succeed in a low demand business environment. Previously, I served in corrections and law enforcement for 20 years, and resigned in 2016 to pursue my passion for helping people achieve their real estate goals full time. In 2016, my wife and I established The Keen Group, a real estate firm, which merged with The Reger Group in 2021 and became part of Reger Homes, LLC.

Over the years, I have worked closely with people from all walks of life and ages, including some of the best leaders in the industry. This experience, combined with my proven knowledge of running a successful real estate firm, equipped me with valuable insights and keen business acumen. Today, I provide practical tips to agents on how to act professionally, enhance brand visibility and be a productive industry asset.

I have set myself apart as a competent, focused, innovative, and energetic real estate professional intent on building a solid team of successful real estate agents. My team describes my coaching style as laid back but firm, system-based, visionary, and accountability driven. With a proactive and engaging coaching approach, I inspire change, ignite action and deliver immense value to agents seeking to move their real estate businesses to the next level.
I currently reside in West Salem, Oregon, with my family. For over 20 years, I have actively supported the Salem community in various capacities, including coaching the youth sports team in Salem. I am also an active member of the Salem Business association.


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